Saturday, January 31, 2009

Time Isn't Slowing Down Anytime Soon

Okay, so I wrote this a while back and it really suprised me when I read it over.

I remember the big brown doors that hung in front of me. First day of kindergarten, and everything from here on out wouldn’t stop until I got my high school diploma and walked off the stage. Sure there would be college, but I wasn’t going to be in my hometown anymore.

I remember the table I sat at and who sat there. One in particular name, Courtney (still remains one of my best friends). I remember the vivid smell of Lunchables, and the un-edible school lunches well. I also remember grabbing my kindergarten diploma, and plunging off into the choppy waters of elementary school.

Kindergarten and elementary school seems like yesterday. We were all care free, and didn’t care what others thought about us, because we didn’t have too. There were few people who would point out the messy hair, or the wrinkled clothes.

Surprisingly, boys had cooties and they were immature. They would chase the girls around at recess, and laugh at stupid jokes. What girl needed that?

But that was Kindergarten and Elementary school, where nothing mattered except being you. People accepted you, and everyone was friends (well almost everyone).

There is always a time of change though. Life has passed me almost too fast.

It’s 10:07 p.m. right now, and in about an hour or two I will go to sleep. Today will come to a close, and tomorrow will bring new things.

I will wake up in the morning, and rush to find something to wear. I will go to school, and finish an unfinished math quiz. I will talk to my friends, but half of the time I won’t get what we are talking about. I will see the guy I like tomorrow three or four times. I will get an evil look from the biology teacher whether I am goofing off or not, and the rest of my day will carry on. Before you know it tomorrow will come to a close, and I will start all over the next day.

There is something wrong with this. I want time to stop so I have the time to finish what I need to do. I sit here wishing it will slow down, but I realize something…my life, it’s in front of me, smacking me right in the face. It’s how I choose my time.

My days have gone by so routined. Never once have I stopped and enjoyed today. Not once have I thanked God for everyday.

That’s my problem. I don’t realize that everything is spread out on the table ready to be picked up.

I say I want time to tell my friends how much I care about them; my time is right here just sprinting past me. I say I want time to get things straight; oops there it goes, goodbye. I say I want the time to get to know God; bam Kayley. Oops, maybe next time, hit me before my time arrives.

My point is…my life has been full of heart breaks, losses, friends, and family. My life has run past me, and I have failed to catch it. It’s beating me at that race. Time can’t stop, and it won’t. It is up to us, to spend that time to accomplish our dreams.

After this week is over, half of my freshman year will be over. I will have three and a half years to accomplish my high school goals and not waste time. I have time to get to know God. I have time to tell my friends and family how much they mean to me.

My time is here, where is yours?