Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our Hearts In A Mirror

The mirror can lie
Doesn't show you what's inside--Believe In Me by:Demi Lovato

We can all agree that when looking in a mirror we are either completely unhappy, or pleased with what we see. You see, a mirror not only shows you how you look but it shows how you as an individual see yourself.

I know that I tend to overlook how I see myself in the mirror, I focus on my every imperfection. It's a, "My hair is frizzy," or "what is that on my face. This is so embarassing." Right when I see a flaw I freak out because let's face it, I am going to face other people today. Oh no, Yes, really scary, I know.

You would think that by now I would realize that as humans, we all have flaws. Realization hasn't seemed to hit me yet.

But I shouldn't worry about how I look on the outside, it's more about giving myself a heart check. What if everyone around you saw your every emotion, and thought? Would they like the person they see? Picture it, everything you thought or every emotion you were feeling, just written right there on your forhead for everyone to see. It just screams out 'Hello world! Here I am, it's me Kayley! Here are all my real thoughts, and all my honesty right here on my forehead for you to see. Can you except me now that you know who I really am?'

It's like the song by Casting Crowns, Love Them Like Jesus. The title in itself explains the song. Despite who the person is, what they are going through, how they appear to you, just love them like Jesus. It's hard, and I will be the first to tell you that I struggle with it. His love never fails, no matter who we are as a person or how we look. He doesn't care about our outward appearance, he looks at the heart. I can't imagine how the world would look if we accepted people for who they truly are, and not just by their looks. Better perhaps?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My life story written in pen.

Staring down at a peice of notebook paper with writing. The paper is filled with marked out words. My eyes scan continuously gaze over every word. Why are they so familiar? Then I look at the title Life Story by: God.

I hear it a lot, God's writing your life story. I firmly believe in the statement. If I were to read my life story from a peice of notebook paper I believe it would look like what I described in the first paragraph. To me it would be like reading one of my 7th grade essay rough drafts, alot of mark throughs, errors, and in desperate need of improvement. Isn't that like life though?

As humans, we are prone to make mistakes and I myself make a lot of them. Whether it be as simple as just tripping down the stairs, or a more consequence worthy not shutting my mouth before I say something that may not be music to my parent's or other peoples ears. My mistakes are the sentences that get marked out, because Jesus went to the cross for my slip ups even though I am not worthy of his forgiveness. His Love is incomprehensible and there isn't one word to descibe it. I am unworthy of his never ending love and yet he takes those mistakes and marks them out. I am forgiven.

The side notes that I became familiar with when I first got into writing essays are like the warning signs, or the notes that I make after I have made a mistake. They are my notes to tell me that when I reach the same kind of obstacle again, don't make the same mistake. It's God telling me, this is what to do next time before you make the same mistake. Remember these notes and embed them deep into your brain.

My desperate need of improvement is me starting on a new sheet of paper. For God, it's like him starting a new paragraph.

It's my job to start over and improve as I continue facing reality in itself.

What can I say? It's my life and I will make mistakes. But I always make sure that through those mistakes I learn something, and I try to improve.